Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose

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1. Mother Goose by Mary Engelbreit is an example of a picture book. Majority of children’s books are illustrated but not all children’s books with illustrations are picture books. Mother Goose is considered a picture book because it tells a story through a series of pictures combined with relatively small amounts of text. Mother Goose takes readers through a series of rhymes accompanied by pictures that help deliver the story to young readers. The rhymes in this book are short and simple leaving the images up to the readers imaginations. This picture book uses seventeen different rhymes to take the readers a long a journey of some of the most popular nursery rhymes to date. Some of the rhymes have important implications for children later in life like the “piggie” rhyme shows children that they can not always get what they want in life and someone will always be better off than you are. 2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is an example of a picture book. The Very Hungry Caterpillar fits into …show more content…

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein is also an example of a picture book. The Giving Tree uses a mixture of illustrations and text to convey the message to readers. The story shows children the importance of giving to others. The story is about a boy and an apple tree that gives everything it can the young boy. First the tree gives the boy all its apples, so it can sell them and buy things. Next the boy came back and wanted a house with a wife and children, but the tree could not offer a house, but it could offer its branches, so the boy could build a house. Then one day the boy came back wanting a boat and the tree would offer its stalk, so the boy could build a boat. The boy cut the tree to its stump and built a boat. Every time the tree gave something to the boy both the tree and the boy were happy. This picture books delivers an important message to children that sharing is an important virtue and those who do not share with others will most likely be

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