Mary Anne Evans‭ (‬George Elliot‭)

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Mary Anne Evans,‭ ‬otherwise known as George Elliot,‭ ‬was a prominent Victorian novelist.‭ ‬As a woman,‭ ‬she wrote under a pseudonym to avoid prejudice against her work by‭ ‬society’s male biased gender stance.‭ ‬A political player,‭ ‬many of her works highlighted current political issues,‭ ‬and unlike many of her fellow authors,‭ ‬she focused on the‭ ‬lower working class,‭ ‬instead of the upper aristocracy,‭ ‬and let her characters identify Agnostically,‭ ‬which was very abnormal for her time.‭ ‬Mary Anne Evans was a self-made success,‭ ‬who highlighted social issues,‭ ‬ad thrived against adversity in a male dominated world.

Mary Ann Evans,‭ ‬who wrote under the penname‭ ‬George Elliot,‭ ‬was born on the twenty-second of November,‭ ‬1819,‭ ‬in Nuneaton,‭ ‬Warwickshire,‭ ‬England.‭ ‬A prominent‭ ‬Victorian novelist,‭ ‬she wrote many major works such as:‭ ‬The Mill on the Floss‭ (‬1860‭)‬,‭ ‬Silas Marner‭ (‬1861‭)‬,‭ ‬Middlemarch‭ (‬1872‭)‬,‭ ‬and Daniel Deronda‭ (‬1876‭)‬.‭ ‬Mary Ann Evans was the third child of Robert Evans‭ (‬1773‭–‬1849‭) ‬and Christiana Evans‭ (‬1788‭–‬1836‭)...

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