Marx's Idea of Alienation in Productive Activity

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Marx's Idea of Alienation in Productive Activity (1) Marx explained that alienation is about the loss of human powers in the society and alienation separates human from his natural word, activities and makes man lose control over his labor activity. Marx alienation from productive activity emerged when human are barred by alienation from realizing their potentials and creativities, this was achieved under capitalism by division of labor which finally led to specialization in a specified or a fixed area of labor activity or task. Marx believes that alienation of human from productive activities is as a result of the expansion of division of labor and limits the worker from getting more of it potentials and self-existence. Marx explains that workers sell their labor to the employer or the capitalist for his satisfaction which in return pays the workers in wages for the labor which he fixed for the workers and not the choice of the worker, this alienates the worker from the natural social behavior and labor activity i.e. transformation of useful labor to abstract labor, the employer fixes your area of speciality, your job duties, and your wages and hours of work. “According to Marx alienation of labor makes man not able to affirm himself but denies himself” (Morrison. K.1995). Alienation from productive activity makes human lose control over the capacity of their labor to affirm their being and define their self existence i.e. human are barred and enstrangered from realizing labor activity alternatives and it’s full range of possibilities and abilities. Whereas Marx alienation from specie being can be explained thus,... ... middle of paper ... ... (knowledge) and the election or rightful succession gave government it right to rule (authority). Bureaucracy can influence social relations’ interms of people being ruled from the top and taking to their policies and orders, which can change their entire life like tax, increase. Capitalist bureaucrats also possess this to dominate and control their employees, since the employee obeys and take to their employers orders to shape and fix their labor activity, then this total submission of labor activity to the employer will influence and change their normal social relation e.g. if you are formally self employed and your relationship then is dependent but getting employed by a capitalist then bureaucracy in capitalism will change your social relations to inter-dependence because you now work as a subject to a capitalist.

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