Marxism Vs Marxism

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In the wake of WWII, the western world was in a state of perpetual fear. After seeing Marxist influence make a shocking impact wherever it landed, the rise of the Soviet Union, the 26rd of July movement in Cuba, and numerous other revolutions with the goal of radical social and political reforms, the world was divided by two mutually exclusive and hostile ideologies: capitalism and Marxism. The two major superpowers of the time, the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union were at opposite ends of the spectrum. The Marxist revolutions of Europe and Russia gave inspiration to many Latin American revolutionaries. The U.S. wanted to ensure that communism and leftist regimes did not spread, particularly in Latin America, where leftist regimes would especially threaten U.S. business interest. The U.S. for over a century had been imperializing Latin America under a series of façades and in the mid-20th century, McCarthyism became the new catch-all excuse to interfere with the affairs of a sovereign nation. Under the guise of containing the spread of communism, many Latin American governments that tried to deviate from the practice of serving U.S. interest were overthrown with the funding and instruction of the U.S. It was with the watchful and accusing eye of Uncle Sam looming over Latin America that in 1970, that Unidad Popular candidate, Salvador Allende, was democratically elected President of Chile. Even before Allende assumed the presidency, oppositional forces were conspiring to destroy him, everything he was to accomplish, and the pro-working class ideology that he represented. The events that occurred in the three years that his presidency endured and which lead to the coup d’état of Pinochet were the product of U.S. hostility towards any t... ... middle of paper ... ...ows that contrary to the U.S. claim of being defenders of democracy, liberty, and justice, the U.S. has been perfectly willing to squash the attempts of other countries to attain these ideals if doing so would prevent the U.S. from exploiting said country. The concept of the 1st world and the extravagant economic prosperity of 1st world countries has come into existence through the creation of 3rd world countries. Their deficiency produces U.S. opulence, and the U.S. has been very aware of this, which is why the true extent of U.S. intervention in the governments of Latin America has only recently been uncovered. If the American public had been aware of the nature of our actions in any number of sovereign states, it is doubtful the U.S. government would have been able to carry them out without inviting immense criticism and dissent from the American people.

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