Marxism: Inequality In The United States

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In the United States, Marxism has been almost entirely dismissed as a legitimate political theory. When Americans think of Marxism, the immediate response is one of skepticism and doubt. Yet, many Americans do not fully understand what Marxism is. Marxism seeks to eliminate the inequality inherent in capitalist societies through abolishment of capitalism itself. It is evident, with America’s societal stratification rising and falling every four years like changing tides, that true equality for all citizens will not be achieved through traditional means for a long, long time. It is for this reason that a reevaluation of other routes to equality must occur. Recognizing and correctly implementing Marxism will lead to a less stratified society. Karl Marx was the founder of Marxist theory, and he believed that struggle was inevitable between the working class and the ruling class. Marx is also the founder of the conflict perspective in sociology. So why is Marxism discredited as the solution to inequality? Multiple theoretical perspectives explain this phenomenon, but to understand them, some things must be clarified. Deviance is defined as behavior that breaks established norms in a society, while conformity is behavior that follows said norms. Stigma is a label or …show more content…

Sanctions such as laws and rules help to enforce this distinction between behaviors. For example, a Marxist would advocate a violent revolt against large corporations, but violence and rioting is illegal, so anyone inciting those would be subject to sanctions like fines and imprisonment. Social control also manifests the maintenance of social and economic stability. Marxism is the antithesis of capitalism, so keeping Marxist practices and beliefs at a minimum allows for corporations to continue building wealth and for society to avoid the chaotic process of a

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