Unveiling the Humor in 'Duck Soup': A Personal Perspective

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In my seemingly never-ending quest to fill in the glut of blind spots in moviegoing history, I tackled my first Marx Brothers’ film, 1933’s “Duck Soup.” As some of you may have realized, comedy isn’t my favorite genre simply because it frequently fails to make me laugh. Nevertheless, I continue to watch supposedly rib-tickling films in an effort to develop more of a taste for the genre. While I did find “Duck Soup” amusing, I cannot say I found it funny. “Duck Soup” hardly has a plot to speak of, as it’s a collection of gags and bits from the Marx’s repertoire. The storyline, as it is, focuses on Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho Marx), who has recently been named ruler of Freedonia. Neighboring country Sylvania hires Chicolini (Chico Marx) and Pinky I thought almost every slapstick, physical bit was overlong and drawn-out. Even my favorite bit, the three hats business with Chico, Harpo and a lemonade stand vendor, went on a few beats too long. I also think these would have been aided by some comical music to accompany them. The mirror bit near the end with Groucho and Harpo, which has certainly been copied to no end, is the epitome of this. It lasted for an interminable amount of time, wearing out its welcome, and could have been made funnier by some zany music. Although I didn’t like those aspects of the humor here, the Marx Brothers deserve credit for making such a relentlessly funny movie. The density of gags here is astounding, as they come in seemingly every breath for the entire runtime. Even if a portion of those jokes don’t land, that seems less significant given just how many jokes there are. Nevertheless, like I said, I found “Duck Soup” more amusing than funny. I hardly laughed, though I smiled fairly regularly, because I just didn’t find many of the jokes that hilarious. The brothers certainly showcase their talents, and the movie deserves credit for its verbal wit and nonstop humor. Even if the physical humor didn’t work for me, “Duck Soup” was hardly a waste of time, even though I didn’t think it was the comedy masterpiece that so many moviegoers consider

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