Martin Luther King Vs Chris Mccandless Essay

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Chris and Martin Luther King Jr.both found incredible success on their quest and jumped over incredible obstacles such as violence and starvation.These individuals learned to never give up and anything is possible. Chris and King excluded themselves from society either by leaving society as a whole or just taking a different route which in a way shows a form of transcendentalism.Chris McCandless is a character who differs from society,this individual is what I consider a nonconformist. Martin Luther King, Jr. is also a powerful individual and possess a lot of the same character traits as chris but also slightly differs. An example of success from Chris is when he actually decided to make the move to quit college and donate all his money to …show more content…

One of the big problems chris had was starvation and it was self inflicted,he could have gave up and went home but he choose to live out his quest.On the other hand King faced more obstacles against society, violence among him and his family during marches or even in his own home,not so much self inflicted like Chris.One of the Most known obsticles that King faced was called the civil rights march on washington. Chris learned that isolating himself in the wilderness was not the best choice,he did attempt to return back to society by waving down the helicopter.Martin luther King Jr. learned to not be helpless like his peers.He was one of the few black people that grew up dealing with racism and learned to not accept it. I personally learned a lot from both characters.King I learned that even though the odds are against you you can still make a change that impacts the world for many years.From Chris I learned there is more to life than material things,and do what makes you the most happy. Two completely different ways and forms of transcendentalism was

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