Martha Stewart crimes

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Given the scenarios of John Black, a fourteen years old boy who has been ordered to complete five years of probation and community based anger management program for the offense of possession of a firearm while on school property. After six months on probation and three months of course on anger management, John appears to have changes in his behaviors and appearance. John appears to have a tattoo between his thumb and his first finger that represents the symbol for the local gang. Furthermore, during a random routine drug test, John was tested positive for crystal meth and marijuana. In this paper, I will examine and identify the risk factors that are associated with drug abuse and gang membership by juvenile offender using information in the textbook along with my own ideas. First issue that I would like to address is a Gang-related issue. Gang has been an ongoing problem in the U.S since the early 1920’s. The characteristics of the modern gang today are nothing like the pasts and it is very important for our criminal justice system to know the differences and characteristics of the gangs. According to (Bartollas & Miller, 2011), Jeffrey Fagan has identified four major types and characteristics of modern gangs; “Type 1 gangs were involved in a few delinquent activities and only alcohol and marijuana use. These gangs had low involvement in drug sales and appeared to be social gangs. Type 2 gangs were heavily involved in several kinds of drug sales, primarily to support their own drug habits. They were also heavily involved in vandalism. Type 3 gangs had the highest levels of member participation, including extensive involvement in both serious and non-serious offenses. Another feature of this type was less involvement in both dr... ... middle of paper ... ... mother being a single mom as well as the fact that his father left him and his mother. In conclusion, John seemed to be heavily influenced by his peers and environments, the interview of John’s mother provided us with some background and the conditions of his family. John’s mother is a single mom who appears to be overwhelmed by works, making it difficult for her to look after her own child. John on the other hand, would not cooperate and identify his peers and in additions, he is showing no sign of remorse. Although, John is only a fourteen years old boy, his actions and behaviors will certainly be developed into a more serious crime if we allow the pattern to continue. Lastly, I think John needs to be fully evaluated, he should be punished with harsher punishments and he needs to be isolated from his peers along with the treatment programs for his drug abuses.

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