Marshall Court Research Paper

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The chief justice John Marshall dominated the supreme court for over 30 years.The Marshall court permanently affected the federal government with the decision of major court cases.The Marshall court established the federal government role in the economy and their role in the interstate commerce. The results of the Marshall court strengthened the power of the judicial branch established the concept of implied powers,and the right of America Indians. The Marshall court strengthened the federal government. Through a series of cases the Marshall court strengthened the power of the judicial branch.Two examples would be the Marbury vs Madison and Cohen's vs Virginia. In the case of Marbury vs Madison ,William Marbury who was one of Adam s midnight …show more content…

In the case a land grant was given by the Georgia legislature to speculators was revoked by a later legislature.Marshall ruled in favor of the speculators giving federal protection to purchasers of state lands. The case established the principal that state laws were invalid when in conflict with the constitution and that contracts must be upheld. There roles were important because an economy filled with debt and no one to fix the problem could cause major issues within the government.The constitution stated that the powers of the federal government ,but the Marshall court established the concept of implied powers. In the case of McCulloch vs Maryland.Maryland wanted to tax the bank of the United States. They argued that the government had no right to charter a national n mm bank. Marshall responded with the "power to tax involes the power to destroy and decided in favor of the bank. He confirmed the implied powers of congress by upholding the constitutionality of the bank of the United States. This is important because a lot of the government is not stated in the

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