Marriage In America Essay

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It is widely known that fewer people today are getting married and many couples without kids. With population growth, many young adult Americans will reach the age of marriage as it used to be. Many elderly parents are looking forward to the day when their kids have children, so that they can hug their grandchildren. However, marriage in America is not as popular as the past. The marriage rate has continued to decline, and many showing less interest in marriage. On major reason why people are not getting married is because of their financial stability. Moreover, Feminism pushes women out of their traditional role of housewife. Financial issue and feminist rise are the major reason why fewer couples getting married, and there are solutions can …show more content…

Most never-married want to choose a potential spouse or partner with a steady job, say it is very important to them. Fewer men are getting married due to the problem of financially stable. A woman may make a decision about marrying base on the benefits and the future life. The opportunity cost of women's education and earnings power may suffer after marriage. Financial security is a significant issue for young adults who want to get married. "First comes money, and then comes marriage" become a slogan when having a blind date. In addition, the proportion of married couples in the population fell whenever there was a recession or depression in the history. One of the major impacts is financial crisis of 2008 which people found that they have financial issues. Recession and the aftermath of its lasts are long-term social problems. The growing economic inequality in our society makes the problem even worse. Hard economic situation may lead to rising share of never-married adults. For these reason, young adults who have never been married are more likely to excuse not financially ready as the main reason for not being married. I have friends are unmarried couple, and they said they decide to put off marriage for later after they become financially stable. The reason for them to choose this path is because they expect more of marriage such as an economic and an emotional partnership. They still feel job not secure, worry about their pensions. Since their lower levels of education and income, a solid economic foundation is a

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