Marriage And Divorce: Video Analysis

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Marriage is a sacred gathering between two people. The bride and groom have decided that they are perfect for each other and they are completely compatible to spend the rest of their lives together. At the wedding, all the couples who have been married for many years will give the newlyweds advice, and of course the newlyweds will let it all go over their heads because they don’t expect to have any problems; they are in love, they are meant to be together. The truth is, the newlyweds should listen to the advice being given because their marriage will be tested, and quite possibly end in divorce. In the video, Jenna McCarthy touched on some interesting points on how to have a successful and happy marriage. Of the points she made, I agreed the most when she said that couples should always be optimistic even in difficult situations. I also agreed with the trickle down effect of the husband doing housework making him more attractive to his wife and ultimately leading to them both having more sex.

It can be difficult to be optimistic in tough situations but if you are able to get the hang of it, you will have a more joyous life. In relationships, it is very important to uplift your partner and make them feel good about themselves no matter what. I personally have …show more content…

In my opinion, being close to a divorced couple should help you because you are able to see where they went wrong and you are more likely to get real advice on how to keep your marriage together. Yes, at the wedding you will get advice but usually people are just trying to make their marriage sound better than every other marriage in the room. Also, they haven’t reached the divorce point yet so they do not really know true breaking points of a matrimony. When a divorce couple gives you advice, it will most likely not be in front of a room full of people. Also, divorced people know the true breaking points of a

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