Mark Watney Challenges

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Struggling to gain access to clean water, food, shelter, and modern communication are all problems the world faces today -- and yet no one has found solutions to them. While these issues are challenging for millions of people on earth who have ample help to solve the problems, it is hard to fathom confronting these challenges on a planet other than earth, completely alone. However, in Andy Weir’s novel, The Martian, Mark Watney is left stranded on Mars fighting for survival and having to discover solutions to these challenges. Watney exhibits times of great frustration when problem solving, working to supply himself with basic necessities for survival, and communicating with earth. Interestingly enough, Mark Watney’s frustration of being stranded …show more content…

The exorbitant amount of heat loss in the rover leads Mark to yet another creative solution. The frustration and failure of being unable to heat the rover the way he originally intended is no trouble for his creative mind. Watney is able to come “up with a solution, but … remember when I [Watney] burned rocket fuel in the Hab? This’ll be more dangerous. I’m going to use the RTG… (radioisotope thermonuclear generator)” (73). The direct address to the reader not only captures his attention, but makes the situation more relatable; since not many readers know the scientific processes for burning rocket fuel or the full risk and danger involved in using an RTG. Once again, under the pressure, stress, and frustration of being alone on a planet, fighting for survival, Mark Watney utilizes creativity and scientific knowledge to overcome another challenge. Beneath the sarcasm about danger is Mark’s creative character and his display of willingness as well as bravery to try different methods, so he can hopefully survive long enough to leave the planet Mars. On the same subject, Watney wonders “what Nasa would think about [him] fucking with the RTG” (77) and proceeds to say “they’d probably hide under their desks and cuddle with their slide rules for comfort” (77). Watney undercuts Nasa in this instance only as a way to take out his frustration with his situation. Even while he is blatantly upset, he still exhibits sarcastic humor -- specifically by stating hide under their desks and cuddle with their slide rules. By depicting Nasa as weak and helpless, Watney has shown that in the present situation Nasa is not much help to Watney, therefore promoting Watney’s creative ability yet again. Accordingly, by lashing out at Nasa with sarcastic humor, and being able to find a way to heat his rover, Watney depicts how creativity is elicited by

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