Mark Roverton In Trainspotting

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In the film Trainspotting we are introduced to Mark Renton. Mark Renton is a teenage boy who has an impaired control heroin addiction. Mark suggest to his friends he would like to stop using and get clean to live a normal drug free life but on the road to recovery he has some set backs. As Mark brings up the idea of getting clean you can start to see the signs of an addict, first thing that caught my eye was the levels of desire. According to Addiction: A Human Experience “The first level of desire which is easy to change is thought… leading to the second lever which is desire’. (Pg. 81-82) Mark thought that by telling himself mentally he could stop using heroin but that eventually led to the desire to use again and Mark decided to get high …show more content…

Heroin users who quit cold turkey are usually faced with paranoia, lack of sleep, cold sweets, increased heart rate, and hallucinations’, all in which Mark Renton goes through as he is locked in his room. A week has passed and we see Mark start to transition into the action stage where he has obtained and made a commitment to stay abstinent. Marks life takes a turn for the better has he gets a job in London but is short lived as his addict friends show up at his door step needing a place to live. In this particular scene we see the antisocial side of substance abuse as his friends have no respect for Mark’s sobriety or his place breaking things, and stealing stuff. (Many addicted individuals lie, manipulate, and only care about themselves. For many who are addicted, no rule seems worthy of abiding. Antisocial Personality Disorder ceases shortly after abstinence from substance.” (Pg122) Mark stays strong and doesn’t relapse from the environment his friends have put him in and figures out a way to get them out of his apartment into an apartment of their own. Mark Renton eventually moves again and lives a peaceful , drug free life

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