Mark Dannner English Major Analysis

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A former English major- for nineteen days that is; by the name of Mark Danner, gave a commencement speech to a graduating class of the Department of English at the University of California. Starting off with a familiar and dreaded question, he asks the students “What are you going to do with that?” A question that has been repeatedly asked by anyone that knows you are an English major. Retorting to his own question, he states that by striving to be an English major, they will do questioning of their own, but also be questioned. In today’s society everyone hustling for a college degree is pursuing fields that will grant instant satisfaction in the job field, upon graduating. Unfortunately, for Liberal Arts or English majors, the options do not come quite as abundantly. …show more content…

Knowing the difference between what is real and what one is fed is entirely different, and that is exactly what comes with a English or Liberal Arts education. It’s in sorts a package deal, ripe for the taking. Danner touches on the subject of 911 and how it impacted the society we live in, the government made rash decisions per its usual course of action. The country went into hysterics and began slashing up the world into sections of evil and good. But what everyone lacked, was a clear understanding and first hand knowledge. Danner alludes to the government seeing power in relative correlation to truth, that while we are trying to figure out the government they are off making their own realities through their implementation of

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