Marjane Satrapi's The Complete Persepolis

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The book I have chosen to do my novel study on is an graphic novel called The Complete Persepolis and the author of this book is Marjane Satrapi and in my opinion the genre of this book is comics and Autobiographical.
This graphic novel is autobiographical because the books shows us the events that took place when the author Marjane was a kid and her experiences in Tehran in the 1980s.
The main character of this book is a girl named Marjane or Marji for short and she is not like any average girl in Tehran, Iran.
She is extremely curious about Politics and History of Iran.
She also is quite imaginative and creative and has a really bold personality compared to other little girls at that time in Iran.
And she also has very liberal point of view on things that she gets from her parents.
And is interested western fashion and music like Denim jackets. Nike shoes and Kim wilde, Iron Maiden and Michael jackson.
And in my opinion

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