Marine Corps Scholarship Essay

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When returning to school as a non-traditional student you need to set goals for yourself. I have decided to return to school as a non-traditional student, at the age of 35. Almost all of my adulthood was spent in the United States Marine Corps. Due to scheduling conflicts during my time in the military I was unable to attend college. Now that I am out of the Military it has been hard to secure a new career path, because businesses want someone with a degree. My ultimate goal is to be able to get my Bachelor of Science in Business Management in order to help me grow my business and give me something to fall back on if my business is unsuccessful. I determined that a Bachelor of Science in Business Management would be great because every business wants to grow and they want to use any and all assets to increase their net gain. My understanding of this is largely because I am a small business owner myself. I believe that my background and my mentality will help me succeed in this degree. In the Marine Corps I spent about two years managing special operations training budgets. With my understanding of business concepts I was able to save the unit in excess of $80,000. Hopefully my past experiences will be a great asset in my success. …show more content…

With this being stated the question is how does that benefit me? It is my opinion that having been an instructor before will help me better understand how to incorporate multiple learning styles into each course. When I first became an instructor for special operation skills, we had to take multiple personality tests. There has also been personality, love language and other self-examination tests taken in my Sunday school class, and although our focus is marriage enrichment, the results can be used throughout life. I am planning to use all of this to help me be the best student I can

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