Marilyn Dumont Criteria Of Canadian Identity

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In the various literature studied this semester in ELA A30, there are numerous criteria for deciding Canadian identity. Marilyn Dumont claims that this land is more than just a setting to be in. According to Marilyn, Canada is a part of who you are: “This land is my tongue, my eyes, my mouth” (Dumont 5-6). She presumes that Canada is what makes up most of who she is. She also says that this land is not just a place to call home and that, “This land is not just a place to set my house, my car, my fence” (1-2). This means Canada is more than a place to hold your belongings into. Marilyn states that Canada is not just a place to live in: “This land is not just a platform for my dance” (Dumont 13-14). She declares that this land is more than just

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