Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Essay

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Marijuana Legalization One of the biggest topics in the news lately and for the past couple years has been the legalization of marijuana. It is on the news quite a lot whether it's talking about it being legalized in Colorado and Washington already or trying to get it legalized everywhere. It is a very controversial topic among the nation. There are many people on both sides but lately more and more people are for the legalization of marijuana. I however think marijuana should not be legalized anywhere. I believe this because of the problems that it can cause like addictions, accidents, and other various things that are happening. One reason is because of all the problems Colorado is having and the negative ways it’s affecting the state. …show more content…

Some people can actually become addicted to marijuana which is a fact most people do not know or consider. The national institute for drug abuse shows that one out of every nine people will become addicted to marijuana. For people that began using marijuana as a teen those odds increase to one out of six. Marijuana can also lead people into doing other drugs and becoming addicted to some drugs that are even worse. Marijuana is a dangerous drug for people because it can lead to the more serious stuff and it can completely ruin people’s lives. Another negative is that marijuana can cause mental health issues. (Experts) …show more content…

Many accidents that occur result in fatalities. Since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado pot-positive traffic fatalities have gone up 100 percent. This is true even though the overall traffic fatalities have gone down. When driving under the influence of marijuana your reaction time is decreased and your motor skills do not work right. This is why it would be hard to drive while under the influence and why accidents occur. Even if people think it is not a big deal the laws still can not be enforced enough to stop all that happens, and catch all of the people who drive under the influence.

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