Maria Whoopee Quotes

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We can't control the filters that other use when they look at us.

The Beginning of Maria Alegre/Maria Triste, Maria is a teenager that goes to a rough change in her life, when she moves to New York city to live with her dad which caused her to be in to moods most of the time.

Whoopee is a girl who Maria meets and becomes one of her good friends, she really supportive to maria, she helps maria feel better and tries for her to be happy and doesn't let her be upset ¨Look into my eyes maria¨ whoopee talks me out of my black moods and my dark days.¨(pg 38) Whoopee is really outgoing, and out there and likes to make people happy.¨My friend whoopee, who doesn't believe she's beautiful herself, will make me laugh and look at myself in the

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