Maria Del Fiore

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Although I have learned much about the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore through my art history classes, visiting the cathedral in person is a was a very different experience compared to seeing photos. As an art student, I am always eager to see works in person because I know how different viewing art and architecture in person can be.

The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, translated to Saint Mary of the Flower, is perhaps the most visually and historically iconic architectural works of Florence, Italy. The enormous cathedral is nicknamed the Duomo due to the enormous octagonal dome, which dominates the city horizon. Arnolfo di Cambio designed the Florence cathedral in 1296. Work progressed slowly and in 1334, the primary focus became the …show more content…

The massive octagonal structure was a daunting task for engineers and architects. The circular dome, such as the Pantheon in Rome, was not a concept Italian architects were unfamiliar with. Those domes, however, were constructed with concrete and the recipe for concrete disappeared in the Dark Ages. Domes constructed during this time period were typically built upon a wooden scaffolding system. The width of the cathedral however, was too wide for the traditional method. Massive medieval gothic cathedrals made of stone relied on flying buttresses to support their weight. The architects of the Renaissance were determined to avoid the gothic style and instead use the simpler designs, which originated with the Romans. This determination resulted in the east end of the church remaining open to the elements or covered with flat, unstable roofing for more than a century. It was not until the fifthteenth century that architect Filippo Brunelleschi developed a …show more content…

There is an immense amount of space. There is an exquisitely detailed mural on the interior of the dome. There is also a beautiful series of stained glass windows around the cathedral, which casts a dim, blue glow around the room. Prior to visiting the cathedral, my expectations of the interior were of a much more glamorous, and detailed style. Given how many artists came out of Florence, I expected it to be filled with art. I also think that the exterior of the church creates a misleading expectation for the interior. I reminded myself that the exterior of the church was added many years after the cathedral was built. It makes sense that there are different

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