Marginalization In A Clockwork Orange

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Although not apparent in mainstream society, marginalization plays a greater role in the world than one may think. People tend to have a vague idea of what it means, but lack the knowledge to know what marginalization actually encompasses. It primarily happens to those who are underprivileged socioeconomically and can be seen in many places around the world, such as the slums of India and the shantytowns of Brazil. In Anthony BurgessA Clockwork Orange, the effects of the marginalization of socioeconomically unprivileged people are depicted through behavior and psychological tendencies. These effects on the marginalized youth portrayed in Burgess’ fictional work parallel what is seen in modern-day Brazilian shantytowns, commonly known as favelas. Burgess’ own life played a pivotal role in creating the world that is seen within A Clockwork Orange.
A Clockwork Orange can be characterized as a dystopian novella as a result of the world that Burgess created throughout the book. Alex’s world provides a future rendition of London if it were to continue going down the path it was on after World War II, one of a violent youth culture. This especially comes from the fact that his wife was beaten by a few Americans stationed in England during the war. This particular event’s influence on the novella can be seen through the various scenes where Alex and his “droogs” are seen sexually assaulting women. Burgess was also influenced by Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. A Clockwork Orange experiences the Pelagian-Augustinian phases of rule found in the aforementioned books, respectively (Morris ). The Pelagian phase can be seen in the beginning of the novel where Alex and his “droogs” are essent...

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...rests. The power struggle between both sides has led to widespread deaths on both sides and prevented the growth of favelas into more prosperous places or becoming more utopian.
In Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, the effects of the marginalization of socioeconomically underprivileged people are depicted through behavior and psychological tendencies. These effects on the marginalized youth portrayed in Burgess’ fictional work draw a parallel to modern-day Brazilian shantytowns, commonly known as favelas. The psychology of behavior and the conflict between the government and the people are two clear-cut examples that illustrate the parallels between both worlds regardless, of the time period they exist in. As the doctors attempt in A Clockwork Orange, what can the Brazilian government do to stop or at least diminish violence and drug abuse among the youth in favelas?

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