Marginalization Essay

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Essay Question 2
Marginalization is a concept of where a group of people are treated differently by society. In some civilizations, this group of people would be kept at positions of less power and importance. This concept has been occurring for hundreds of years now around the world. These groups of people are of different skin tone, gender, religious influence, etc. Some examples of this were Muslims and Jews in Europe, during the time of the protestant reformation. Woman would be included as well, as well as Hindus in Muslim empires.
An example of marginalization would be of women in the Ottoman Empire. Woman in this particular civilization didn’t enjoy certain amounts of power and independence. For example, they couldn’t divorce their husbands if they ever wanted to. However, in terms of finance, they were allowed to own businesses and inherit a good percent of money from their elderly. I terms of education, they weren’t allowed to be as educated as men. It is apparent to us that society viewed women as less valuable to the empire in contrast to men. When it comes to employment, women could not sit as judges, under any circumstance, or hold any religious authority (in most states). An article that is based on woman in world history claims that ‘’As the Ottomans rose to power, the role and position of women within society evolved as well.’’
The Mughal Empire took place in what is now present day Pakistan and India. Hindus were a large majority in this empire. The emperor, Abu Akbar, who ruled from 1556 to 1605 accepted the world of polytheistic multicultural world. Hindus under this empire at this time weren’t attacked as they were prior to Akbar’s rule. Hindu war prisoners were released and converted to Islam. Hindu scho...

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...vers is different from the picture presented by Mcguire because Green provides less important information. For example, the crash course video indicates that the boys were kidnapped from their homes which may give off the wrong impression of the Ottomans as cruel and insensible however. The textbook refines our knowledge by adding that boys of only 6-16 years of age were chosen to become janissaries, boys that had the strength to do what it takes to become a janissary. My impression was that the crash course video was misleading because farming wasn’t the only way of revenue for the Ottomans. Consequently, the crash course world history was a less informative source of information, where only what was wanted of you to know was taught. I believe the section of the Ottomans in the textbook written by Von Sivers was more of a general and descriptive source of material.

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