Marching Band Value Essay

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I’ve been a part of marching band for 4 years now, and throughout my time there the staff and the players taught me about values and which ones pertain to me. Through the program I asked to join the leadership team, where I discovered what values I follow by: integrity, communication, and respect. These qualities in a person aren’t used strictly in the realm of band. I seek these traits in friends and family, as well as those who I’ve had a few brief encounters with. To others, I want these qualities to display, too. Though there are numerous traits people keep to, I find that these three apply to me because of my experience with the band. One main core value I follow by is how honest a person is, especially when nobody is a witness for proof. Integrity shows trust in a person to do the right thing or what they are told without recordings, pictures, or any other form of evidence. During marching band season if players were told to practice outside of rehearsal to understand a part, they would do such. Integrity showed through the next day when the kids were able to play a certain piece better than the last time, including myself. Outside of band, my brother and I …show more content…

I’ve experienced both sides of the coin during practice with my section. I was told good communication was a mix of positive criticism, honest thoughts/feelings, problem solving and negotiation. Because there was no understanding between the two, conflict rose in the section. We turned our behavior around when we learned to let others be leaders, critique players to advance their skills, and openly express emotions to fix our troubles. I’ve taken what I learned in band and connected it with my life, and it has helped resolve arguments and emotional distance. Communication has strengthened relationships with those around me such as my partner, close friends and family members because of our ability to speak openly and

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