Mansa Musa Legacy

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Mansa Musa was arguably the greatest king in the western African area of his time and what he did made him widely known throughout Europe and the Middle East. Mansa Musa’s hajj changed the course of History significantly because of the inflation of gold, the development of Timbuktu and Mali, and how much power Mansa Musa had and how he used it on numerous things. Mansa Musa’s is famous for giving out so much gold that ruined the Egyptian economy. Mansa Musa was the grandson of Sundiata, the founder of the dynasty, Mansa Musa came to throne in 1307. Musa the Magnificent began his hajj across Africa in 1324. Mansa Musa traveled along the “Niger River To Mema, then to Walata, then through Taghaza and on to Tuat.” Musa arrived in Egypt a few days …show more content…

When Mansa Musa came to power, Mali struck it rich. Traders always stopped at Mali, and Mansa Musa was very generous. Mali grew larger than any kingdom in Europe and the economy became really strong. “Mali collected taxes on imports and exports, which added to Mali’s wealth”. The trade routes also helped spread the religion of Islam. Mali had control over salt mines, diamonds, copper, and finally gold which assured it economic prosperity. He also helped to spread Islam. He built many schools which taught the teachings of the Qur’an. He ordered many Mosques to be built while on his hajj. This attracted many followers as he has a high opinion of the Qur’an. On Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage, he took about 60,000 men, 80 camels, each camel carried about 300 pounds of gold, and plenty of slaves. There was no need to worry about being robbed or the gold being stolen with that big of an army. Mansa Musa’s army is huge itself which made a lot of people fear him but at the same time it got more followers for Mansa Musa. The army guarded the gold mines, every time Mansa Musa left the castle, 300 guards would follow him! He was a very well protected and feared King. Mansa Musa may sound very violent and savage, but he is actually very generous and peaceful. Mansa Musa was basically the perfect king: he was very religious, generous, possesses a lot of power, and

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