Mann's Status In 'Bag !'

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Would you like to be viewed in a good or bad way? Most people don’t think about how they look at people. For me, what people say doesn’t really bother me, but it’s always great to hear something great about me. If someone tells me something nice about me that is true then it’s always great to hear. Everyone is viewed differently, it doesn’t matter good or bad the only thing that matters is how you take it and what you do with it. Our status more times than not, is defined by what we look like, how we dress, and where we come from. As a result, status presents itself in almost anything. Especially in the novel, “BANG!” by Sharon Flake. In this novel, status, has a pretty huge role in Mann’s life. In the novel “BANG!” a character named Mann goes through many struggles in his life. An example would be the death of his little brother Jason. In the beginning of “BANG!” Jason gets killed while playing on the front porch. “That’s what happen to my little brother Jason. He was seven playing on our front porch.” (Page one, first paragraph) This starts and forms the way Mann looks at the …show more content…

I was walking down the street with my dad and a cop that was white flashed a bright light in both my dad and my eyes only to ask where we were going. In that moment I was scared and I didn’t know what was going to happen to my dad or me. People think just because you’re from a certain place good or bad then you’re supposed to act or be a certain way. This is and isn’t true because it is the influences around them that make people do certain things. And different things that happen to you can change you, for me that’s was the thing that showed me no matter who you are or what you’re doing people can’t change the way they think they mainly act on instinct; either good or bad. As well as personally being categorized, status continues to play a role in the large

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