Manipulation In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar

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Manipulation in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Manipulation is like a deadly weapon that you can’t hear or see coming. No matter where you venture to, you may be a potential victim. In the play The Tragedy Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, manipulation and deception are not only apparent but one of the main themes. This theme can be seen in numerous location throughout the play; however, some of the most prevalent occurrences are conducted by Antony, Cassius, and Decius. Each offense, ending in both death and chaos. One of the first times manipulation takes place is when Cassius decides he wants Brutus to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, the soon to be leader of Rome. Cassius tells Brutus, “...I have heard, / Where many of the …show more content…

In order to get the Plebeians on his side, Antony pretends that in Caesar's will, it says that each of them will receive seventy-five drachmas. Following this he announces, “In every wound of Caesar that should move / The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny” (III.ii.242-243). This being said to the commoners along with the money that is being given to them, easily persuades them that they should definitely hunt down the conspirators and make them pay for what they did to their soon to be leader. In reply to Antony, the plebeians shout, “We’ll mutiny” (III.ii.244). These oblivious people of Rome never even give the once noble Brutus a chance to explain that he believed that he was participating for their profit. This manipulation, in turn, grows Antony and Octavius’ armies in tremendous size to battle against Cassius and Brutus. Which eventually will lead to the death of both of them.
In the play Julius Caesar, manipulation leads to many of the characters downfalls. Decius, Cassius, and Antony used this theme to achieve their ultimatum, which in the end leads to both death and pandemonium. In each of the cases, the main goal of the manipulator did not come out exactly as they wanted to show that maybe it is not always the best way to handle a situation where someone else's help is

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