Manifest Destiny In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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Author Mark Twain of the American literature novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, concentrates on slavery and the antebellum South. Huck travels down the Mississippi River in search of freedom with his companion, Jim, and throughout his vast journey he lives a lie. Huck’s path causes him to wear a variety of shields and he falsely identifies himself just to achieve his idea of freedom. Huck faces many incidents throughout the novel in which he chooses to lie and hide his identity. In a multitude of scenarios Huck feigns honesty leading to the discovery of his inner self. Huck’s aliases provide a common ground and a way for Huck to free himself through his own actions. These aliases also serve to prove that Huck is uncomfortable within his …show more content…

Mentally the term Manifest Destiny opened up new opportunities, a new way of life and experience change. At the end of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck travels out west in search of who he really is. Huckleberry Finn is pin pointed in several different scenarios when asked to state his name and who he is. Instead of responding with Huckleberry Finn, he falls back on the similarities while representing characteristics such as tragedy, a loved one is sick or the topic of death. He contributes aspects of his family, Pap, sibling and his desire for a family while projecting his aliases. The audience he is trying to attract he successfully draws them in by saying he has been left all alone and he wants sympathy from others. Huck 's stories begin to get more elaborate and express extra details as the story goes on. He portrays an image in his head of what he wants in life. Throughout the novel, Huck becomes more comfortable lying because he resorts to being someone else than himself. Instead of accepting who he is and his imperfections, he creates and an idealized image of the way he wants his life to be. With the philosophy of Manifest Destiny, Huck will no longer need these aliases as he moves out

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