Mangroves And Environment

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Australia has a total of 11,000km of mangrove-lined coast, which makes up 18% of the Australian coast-line, but only 1% of Australia’s total forest cover. Mangroves play an important role in the oxygen we breathe today, they are also a host to at least 70 different species of crustacean and roughly 75 different species of fish and over 100 different species of molluscs, and even polychaete worms and 230 species of birds. Some species only live in mangroves during high-tide such as sea snakes, turtles and even crocodiles. All these organisms are being affected by human impact such as sedimentation caused by construction and excavating, water and air pollution caused by large factories releasing chemical waste into the water and air and deforestation a way to make money and clear land to build things like factories or mines. These are just three of the serious issues that put organisms and even people at risk all caused by humans. All organisms are interconnected in their world – no matter how small or how large – there must be a balance with their environment to survive. Just the slightest disruption in the food web such as the removal of one species could end in the removal of hundreds. Rapid environmental changes within an area, biome, or planet can affect the biodiversity and cause mass extinction. That is the huge role that humans play in the biodiversity of this planet.

Mangroves live in the inter-tidal zone, an area that is above water during low-tide and underwater during high-tide. Mangroves provide a great value to the environment such as shoreline protection, nursery to threatened and endangered species. The mangroves protect shorelines from damage such as erosion, cause...

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...he data has improved then maintaining the efforts that are currently being done is the only thing that needs doing.


In conclusion, all organisms are important to the environment they live in, no matter how big or small, there must be a balance to survive. Even the smallest mistake can have a serious effect on the environment around it. Mangroves play an important role in the air we breathe and most people don’t even if we don’t know it, creating awareness for mangrove deforestation can benefit the entire world greatly. The use of scientific equipment to collect and store data in mangroves gives ecologist better understanding in which the mangroves live in, this makes it easier for ecologist and even the locals surrounding the mangroves to take action in maintaining and/or restoring the environment around them.

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