Mandatory Volunteering

1982 Words4 Pages

Do Not Be Selfish, Others Need You:
Volunteering should be Mandatory in High School
Volunteering makes numerous differences in the community: beautifying the community and supporting youth, schools, and families. Volunteerism makes people feel good about themselves, learn new things, and develop new skills. Volunteering is an amazing way to give and to reward. People who volunteer have the opportunity to help others, benefit the community, and build their personalities. Volunteering for high school students is an excellent way to gain new skills and experience and to improve their résumés. The purpose of volunteering is to address community needs in a way that can find a solution. Many schools in the United States of America have mandated in that high school students participate in community service. Further, students must complete a certain amount of hours in order to graduate. However, there are many people who stand against the idea of forcing a student to volunteer, but these people are not aware of how community …show more content…

Students who are struggling to attain the required GPA, can improve their grades by taking a community services class. For instance, a student who needs a 3.5 GPA for his or her major and currently has a 3.2, can complete a community service class in order to boost the lower GPA. Supporters of mandatory community service argue that volunteering helps build leadership skills in students and prepare them for future jobs in which leadership is valued (Duncan, 5). Even though, some students do not like the idea of volunteering and think that they could better benefit from studying, they might find it a useful way to apply and practice the skills that they are learning, which may perhaps be more memorable than studying. Volunteering makes students well-organized. For example, in ? Kraft and Janet

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