Mandatory Vaccinations: A Challenge to Religious Freedom

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Another point my opposition makes is mandatory vaccinations threaten religious freedom, which is our (US citizens) 1st amendment right. Effectively forcing citizens to get vaccinated in itself sounds harsh, but some citizens have ethical and moral dis agreeance with optional vaccines; the debate stems from the fact that some vaccines were derived from aborted fetuses. Here is a quote from a prominent professor: ¨During the Rubella epidemic of 1964, some doctors advised pregnant women who were exposed to the disease to abort their children. The resulting virus strain became known in the science world as RA/27/3. R stands for Rubella, A stands for Abortus, 27 stands for the 27th fetus tested, and 3 stands for the 3rd tissue explant. In other …show more content…

Firstly, vaccines are one of the factors that make the United States a stable region, simply for the fact that they prevent infectious diseases. “On average, your immune system takes more than a week to learn how to fight off an unfamiliar microbe. Sometimes that isn't soon enough. Stronger microbes can spread through your body faster than the immune system can fend them off. Your body often gains the upper hand after a few weeks, but in the meantime you are sick. Certain microbes are so powerful, or virulent, that they can overwhelm or escape your body's natural defenses. In those situations, vaccines can make all the difference” (Espejo). “Vaccines, which provide artificially acquired immunity, are an easier and less risky way to become immune. Vaccines can prevent a disease from occurring in the first place, rather than attempt to cure it after the fact” (Espejo). “It is also much cheaper to prevent a disease than to treat it. In a 2005 study on the economic impact of routine childhood immunization in the United States, researchers estimated that for every dollar spent, the vaccination program saved more than $5 in direct costs and approximately $11 in additional costs to society” (Espejo); these are all quotes from accredited publisher, Roman Espejo.On the individual scale, this is the perfect solution for preventing sickness, but if this …show more content…

It is a very controversial topic but I feel it should still be mandated, but if there are people that have objections, then we can have exemptions or find alternate ways of ensuring immunity. “Several states already have exemptions for cases of medical, religious and philosophical reason; if their reasons are logical or stand fair, then they do not have to be vaccinated. For example, California has medical exemptions, Florida has medical and religious reasons and Texas allows exemptions for philosophical, medical and or religious reasons. There should be, however, a system that ensures that everyone that have legitimate reasons for exemptions actually qualifies, otherwise more and more people will follow the bandwagon for exemption” (NVIC). All in all, my push for a mandate is very valid and will yield great results, but I do understand there are risks and liabilities to be held, so my opponent's argument does stand. I hope I both sides can come to the conclusion I posed so we can all benefit but keep our

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