Mandatory For High School Students

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There are many opinions on whether or not it is reasonable to request mandatory community service from high school students. While data shows how it has helped students in the long run, many students still deny to do the work. They believe that it is a waste of time and that it will not help them in the future. Mandatory community service has helped show leadership and helps when trying to get in college, receiving scholarships, and it is even required to graduate most high schools. Community service should be mandatory for high school students because it helps bring people who are lost to the people in the community that can help them. People also learn how to grow closer as a community. There are many issues and positive influences to look at when it comes to doing community service. While it is marked as MANDATORY, that does not mean that you should strictly work and not have fun. Research shows that you are more likely to enjoy mandatory service if you find something that you are good at and find somewhere where you are actually making a difference. Helping others can make a student feel …show more content…

They believe that high school students should not be made to do community service because it is a waste of time and high school students already have a full schedule because school is their job. Over the years the mandator community service has been taken down so much that as of January 2014 florida along with many other states no longer require community service. Students that have graduated have proven that mandatory community service has showed them the leadership skills and the ability to work with others. These characteristics have helped them get a job in the real world. While doing the work is “hard”, community service is not a full time job. Even looking at it from that point many students who are not made to do community service do community service and enjoy

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