Mandate Of Heaven

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The Mandate of Heaven was created during the Zhou dynasty and is an ancient philosophical concept which determined whether an emperor was capable of ruling his people. Some basic features of the mandate were that the power to rule could change and no one family was given this power to rule for ever. Heaven has given the power to rule to one individual because there is only one heaven at any given time. The last feature being that if an emperor were to not be ruling his people in an appropriate manner they have the right to rebel and replace them. The document shows Yi Yin, the chief minister, instructing the new king on his duties and responsibilities now that he will be taking the throne. He explains the actions of the former king and what made his reign successful, hopefully to influence the next in line. The quote, “"Oh! do you, who now succeed to the throne, revere these warnings in your person. Think of them!” the minster telling the new king to not fail and the use of “warnings” seems to imply that if failure were to happen there would be punishment. This punishment would later be explained to be a removable of powers to rule and thus passing the throne to a different dynasty as the writer says “will bring the ruin of your ancestral temple”. This mandate had an overall positive effect on how government was …show more content…

Even though we do not see leaders chosen anymore by birth right it did affect our form of government. Instead of allowing someone to rule and continue doing a bad job we have the right to replace them. We have the ability to take someone out of office and the ability to put someone into power with the power of voting. This prevents the chances of a leader coming into power that may not be the best for the role. Imagine if we still had government leaders determined by birth right, we would not have the best people for that specific job and it would run

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