Man Or Sheep By Stephen Cave Analysis

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Caves believes that people should and must accept that life outcomes are determined by disparities in nature and nuture so people can take practical measures to remedy misfortune and help others to fulfill their potential. “Free will and determinism are not the opposites they are often taken to be; they simply describe our behavior at different levels”, stated Stephen Cave. People should focus on their ability, in any given setting, to generate a wide range of options for theirselves, and to decide among them without having the feeling of restraint. If people give up their beliefs in free will, then their behavior will be viewed as a natural phenomenon. In the idea of cause and effect, a belief in free will may not inspire people to make the …show more content…

Cave believes that people only obey the laws that are put in place primarily because they are afraid of the consequences of breaking the law. He believes that society is better with the law than without because it protects people’s benefits. “Even when overall we do benefit from state’s existence, it does not follow that we are under any obligation to the benefactor (753)”, stated Stephen Cave. Meaning that even though people were born into their society does not mean they have to follow the law just to receive benefits from their society. Society has created social contracts, which are put in place to prevent disobedience amongst the people and the government. Only issues with these social contracts are that some individuals are stripped of their free will by race, gender, sex preference, religion etc. People in society today did not agree upon laws that were made because years and years ago they were decided for people. Laws are put in place to protect people, but at the same time people know right from wrong. Free will is a life of freedom, not a life of rules and regrets. “I think I should indicate why I am here in Birmingham, since you have been influenced by the view which argues against “outsiders coming in” (738)”, exclaimed Martin Lutheran King Jr. in his essay,” Letter from Birmingham Jail”. King believes in the fact that people’s free will is being oppressed by his society’s authority and

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