Malcolm Gladwell: The Rise Of Pop Culture

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Over the years pop culture has expanded like wildfire. It has accepted all aspects such as ideas, perspectives, attitudes and images that load from the mainstream trends such as latest blockbuster movies, celebrity looks and pop music. With the help of mass media, pop culture has influenced the everyday lives of individuals and the community. The topics for conversation have increased by the tenfold due to pop culture, the young gossip about celeb drama whilst the old initiate political debates. At the same time, there isn’t clear research of how exactly is pop culture is affecting the society. Many believe that it is dumbing down the population due to the correlation to mainstream trends, as people now follow that for social acceptance. Malcolm …show more content…

The strongest fact was the recalibration system, which kept the score out of hundred through every year though in actuality the IQ score was surging by 3 points per decade. So, placing the once top ten percent generation in the bottom thirty percent now. Next, the strongest fact was the economic growth and how every class has access to the bare minimum of “mindless pop music”. Gladwell could have utilized the statistics based on IQ scores to analyze the rise in smartness due to tv shows and video games whilst statistics of economic growth in various countries could have compared the success rate of the youth who had access to only collateral knowledge to that of explicit knowledge. This would have provided concrete evidence of how the evolution of the television and the video games industry has benefitted the society’s minds. Had a connection been established, it would have facilitated the readers to circulate back to the …show more content…

Gladwell’s article contained analysis issues. In the fourth paragraph, when he mentioned the creators now have incentive due to the DVD sales to air more viewings. With an appropriate dash of analysis, this fact would have become relevant to the article. Next, few lines down, he talked about how people absorb stories yet they second guess. To merge this statement with the looming fact about reality programming, an analysis would be the catalyst to an easy flow of the paragraph. Nevertheless, when Gladwell discussed the basics of a video game and virtual reality whilst joining the way people’s brain operate when faced with an e-challenge. He gave a thorough “walk-through” of what a player faces when hooked up to this kind of technology. Yet this ultimately became an informative guide as it held zero analysis interlinked with the

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