Malaysian Airlines Flight 370: Demographic Analysis

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When I saw this chart [1], I thought someone was trying to flip Tufte the bird. This infographic, apparently, is trying to show us the size of the Mobile market. There is not one but twelve overlapping pie charts, ample use of garish colors that convey no information, use of sans serif fonts, and even a secondary bar graph at the bottom. The pie charts have different relative sizes but one cannot be sure why: some pies represent billions of some unit, e.g. numbers and dollars, and others percentages. Some pie charts overlap others for no apparent reason, yet others overlap to possibly show a magnified view of a slice (e.g. the Hardware Revenue section of the green pie chart). The values in the “Top 5 smartphones” pie chart do not add up …show more content…

There was a frenzied search for Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 when it went missing. I remember I was running on a treadmill when a news story mentioned that a signal from the flight’s transponder had been detected at a depth of about 3 miles and that the search operation was having a lot of trouble locating the transponder at that depth. The depth didn’t seem like a big deal to me at the time because I was halfway through the third mile of my run. Immediately after my run, I searched the Internet for the flight transponder’s depth and found the infographic from Washington Post. This graphic immediately brought into perspective the “depth of the problem”. The chart uses a linear scale to show depth starting from sea-level. As you journey deeper and deeper, you’re presented with images and cues that frame the problem in a real-world context. For example, you’re shown the depth where the tallest building in the world would end up if it were inverted; deeper still you enter the realm of giant squids and sperm whales; even deeper you pass by the wreck of Titanic. You pass by the transponder of another flight at 13,100 feet that took two years to find. Yet you go deeper. Until finally, at a depth of 15,000 feet, you see where the signal of this Malaysian Flight was located. The chart tells you that this is also the deepest known part of the

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