Malala Second Connection Quotes

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1st Connection: It is seen in Swat that women are not allowed to have the same responsibilities as men due to their gender. This divide in having the ability to go outside or not may cause men to also make even more irrational decisions due to their superior role in society. These irrational decisions made by men may cause their ultimate physical demise.

2nd Connection: Women in Swat are seen to not meet Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs by not even having the most basic physiological needs. By not meeting the basic need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the women in Swat are accustomed to make poor choices and can cause self deterioration.
1st Connection: This quote outlines Malala’s recognition that the female minority is strong and can make a change against social norms. Her mother was a woman that was able to grow as a person and develop her morals and ethics through …show more content…

Although it causes her health to be in jeopardy, she is able to help herself as well as the female minority in Swat grow.
1st Connection: This demonstrates how Malala and her family valued education. So when she stood up for female education and got shot because that was the accepted ways of Swat, she made her decisions based on the morals and ethics that she learned at a young age from her family.

2nd Connection: This quote shows that Malala and her family also possessed valuable morals and ethics that are proper although not accepted within society. Under those circumstances is why Malala felt the need to stand up for her education and stand up for the female minority and education.
1st Connection: The people of Northern Pakistan believe that kind words are not equated with kind actions. Therefore they believe that actions do speak louder than words. Actions within a society does define a person rather than their words

2nd Connection:.

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