Making a Difference In Our World: William Randolph Hearst

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Making a Difference In Our World

Imagine an individual opens a newspaper and begins to become intrigued in the articles, well this would not have occurred if William Randolph Hearst did not become a huge contributor to the American newspaper chain (" William Randolph Hearst "). This man stayed efficiently remembered through his family and personal life, too his economic and industrial pursuit to the newspaper chains, and lastly his wonderful impact on our society today.

William Hearst was born on April 29th 1863. He was born to millionaire couple. Their names George and phoebe. Her maiden name was Apperson. He went to school at a young age, and continues dedicated in education in private schools supported by his father. Ending his education at Harvard College. During his college years at Harvard he was deeply attached to the world of newspaper and publishing. His crusading publisher was Joseph Pulitzer. However he was expelled from Harvard due to, a practical joke on one of his professor ("William Randolph Hearst" encyclopedia of world biography). After being given the authority to create the publication of a newspaper he thought it was a great idea to help develop his political career. He often used talented writers to encourage his newspaper to grow, such mark twain, and jack London ( " William Randolph Hearst").

He was married to Mullicent Wilson. She was a native of New York City, her job was a showgirl. Many believe the marriage was only relevant for political advances. Millicent gave birth to five sons. All of his sons followed his work ethics and business surrounding to media.

However sadness strikes in 1919. When his mother past away. He then received residence on his father’s land. The land ...

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...earst has had a great influence on our American society with all of the great things that he has done. Starting with his childhood William had an outstanding family to support him in his ever interested mind in the field of journalism. Williams father had gave him one of the biggest things in his life , the newspaper company which gave William something to start with , and he blossomed in to a huge owner of many newspaper companies. Williams’s impact on our society is tremendous. Just image not walking out to your mail box, or opening up your internet in your computer, and not seeing the news. Without William Hearst none of this really would have happened. William Randolph Hearst stayed efficiently remembered through his family and personal life, too his economic and industrial pursuit to the newspaper chains, and lastly his wonderful impact on our society today.

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