Majora Carter Compare And Contrast Essay

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Robert Moses and Majora Carter are both lead leaders for change in their community. Yet, as is quite obvious they are polar opposites. Robert Moses was a man with a dream, and did not seem to care who he had to step on to make this dream a reality. Majora Carter also has a dream, yet she is focused on inclusion and bettering the lives of all. These two individuals have had a major impact on the land use policies and the citizens of New York City and both have faced seemingly insurmountable odds, and both have been able to see their dreams come true. Robert Moses was a man with a vision. His vision was to help rich people to get around New York better, and to give them places to spend their leisure time. Being one of the most powerful men in New York from the late 1920’s until the late 1960’s, he utilized his multiple appointed positions in state and local government to destroyed the neighborhoods of the poor. He pushing them out of the places they called home to make room for parks, and the roads to get to them to these parks. Moses was a dictator, utilizing any and every underhanded scheme to make sure his vision came true. Utilizing an authoritarian style of leadership that for the most part, relied on his position and political …show more content…

Mr. Moses worked to make the lives of the rich, and upper classes easier by priding them with more and better roadways. He also created parks and places of leisure for these demographics, all at the expense of the poor and lower middle class. Ms. Carter has worked to make the lives of poor and lower middle class better by creating parks, greenways in many of the same neighborhoods that Mr. Moses had decimated. Yet both of these individuals have left a mark on the city of New York, and for better or worse their visions will be seen by New Yorkers for generations to

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