Major Surgery Essay

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According to the Cambridge Dictionary, surgery is defined as, “the treatment of injuries or diseases by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part, or an operation of this type (“Surgery Definition”).” In many cases, anesthetics are used to make patients unaware of the procedure. By doing so, the patient cannot feel any pain or recall the surgery, in turn decreasing the trauma experienced by the patient. The increased use of anesthetics has led to the better outcome for the patients undergoing major surgery, allowing them to feel no pain in procedures that were once unbearably painful (Borel). There are two main types of anesthesia: local and general. Local anesthetics are used to numb a small section of the body, whereas …show more content…

In order to close a deep wound to the top of my pinky finger, stitches were needed. The first part of the process of getting stitches was receiving anesthetics. For me, this meant the use of Novocaine was needed to prevent feeling and pain in the finger. Unfortunately, this included getting a shot directly into the nerve in the pinky finger because this is the only way to numb the nerve in the finger. This shot was extremely painful, hitting the nerve directly. However, the brief pain from the shot was well worth it in the long run; when they gave me the stitches, I only felt a slight tension in my finger but no pain as the needle passed through the skin, muscle, and …show more content…

This combination tests the main cognitive functions that are used in everyday life (Tsai). After completing these tests myself, it became clear that they are not meant to be an easy success. I found myself pausing frequently and reevaluating what I had just done, yet consistently getting similar scores. While this can seem annoying, it is very beneficial for use; patients do not improve or decline in ability easily, thus showing that significant changes in ability mean some major change has occurred in the

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