Highlighting the Global Crisis: Clean Water Accessibility

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The Product that I have decided to make is a Print Ad with the purpose/intention of revealing/exposing the world to a major issue that is present in the real world: Clean Water. This relates to the Global context of fairness because all people should have access to clean water and to development as through fundraising nations around the world will all have developed systems for cleaning water. The design elements I have used to emphasize and show the importance of having clean water are Text, quote, and Organization support.

The first stylistic device I will be looking at is the use of Text in my AD. All Print Ads tend to have text, albeit in small amounts, and this Ad is no different. I used facts such as “over 4,500 children a day die from lack of clean water” or “ over 1 Million people a year die from lack of clean water.” These numbers used make the text used have value as it allows people viewing this Ad that it is a very serious issue that is taking many lives from the world. I also believe when you say 4,500 children die a day, it will have an emotional appeal to the target audience as they will visualize their kids dying from this cause. This emotional appeal is known as pathos, as it appeals to the emotion. The use of text, little text that presents facts to show the importance of the issue, makes the Print Ad very effective in showing the …show more content…

The quote I decided to use says “ Lack of Access to Clean Fresh Water is Considered to be a major threat to humanity.” Not only those this quote show that someone believes that the lack of people who have access to clean water is a major global problem, but this person also happens to be Gordon Nixon the President and CEO of RBC. This quote uses the rhetorical device of ethos as since it is coming from a CEO, who has knowledge and is a successful and intellectual person, it makes the target audience trust the Ad

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