Major Factors that Enabled Hitler to Come to Power

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Major Factors that Enabled Hitler to Come to Power

Up to 1928 there had been uncertainty in Germany, with the Wall Street

crash of 1928 this uncertainty became reality as the Weimar republic

fell and Hitler took power. The crushing blows of the Treaty of

Versailles to Germany's economy and its public pride led to the mood

of the German people becoming depressed. They were penniless, so they

looked left and right for an answer to their problems. With the rise

of communism and right wing socialism, democracy was steadily loosing

power. With the continual use of article 48(presidents ability to

overrule the Reichstag), the limited personality of leaders, the

awkward policies and loss of democratic ideals, the Weimar republic

was week. With the ideas of Nazi propaganda and Nazi political

methods, people specifically looked at Nazism as a way out of their


In 1923 a group of young, so called, Nazis were ambitiously planning

to take over Berlin. When their ally dropped out they decided to break

into a meeting and obliterate it, this was called the Beer Hall

Putsch. They were arrested and their leader, a then unknown man, named

Adolf Hitler went to jail with a chain of publicity trailing behind


The years between 1923 and 1928 were prosperous for Germany; the

economy had a minor 'boom' thanks to 'the young plan'. Müller,

chancellor at the time, put in action a plan where Germany would

borrow money from America so it could secure payment on it's

reparations. This was fine until the Wall Street crash in 1928 threw

Germany, and most of Europe, into depression. America demanded it's

loans back and Germany's economy slumped. Inflation rose to an absurd

amount, people became extremely poor, and they had lost whatever small

confidence they had in democracy. Hindenburg threw Muller out of his

chancellorship; Muller was the last chancellor to have a majority in

the Reichstag.

Germany was ruled by a method of government very similar to the

American one we see today.

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