Major Doris Dahl

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Based on the excerpts from Going Solo by Roald Dahl, Dahl meets several people on his journeys. He goes from being on a ship to living in a huge mountain to flying planes and being in war. Dahl meets people such as Major Griffiths and Mdisho. They are both very different people but they both are unique in their own ways. Dahl is mostly paranoid or confident when he is with them. Throughout all his journeys Major Griffiths and Mdisho are the ones that stand out because they are exiting characters with high energy attitudes. One of the first places Dahl wrote about in his stories was on a ship, this is where he met Major Griffiths. First of all, on the ship Dahl spotted Major Griffiths When Major Griffiths was galloping around the deck with no clothes on at all. According to the text "I was actually jealous of his total don’t-give-a-damn attitude, and I wished like mad that I myself had the guts to go out there and do the same thing. I wanted to be like him." (The Voyage Out, paragraph 10) This means that Major Griffiths doesn't really …show more content…

Mdisho did things such as killing a man he was a extremely loyal friend. First of all, Mdisho was a very loyal person he was very loyal to the war because he went by himself without Dahl and killed a man. The man he killed was German, wealthy, extremely unpleasant, and he also owned a mansion. Mdisho knew where his mansion was and he knew that he was German so he went there knowing he was going to kill the man. The author states that Mdisho "It is a long distance, bwana, and it took four hours each way. That is why I am so late." (Mdisho of Mwanumwezi, paragraph 41) Mdisho was very dedicated to go and kill the man so he went four hours to go and then four more hours to come back. Dahl refused to blame him for what Mdisho had done, but he was also worried that the police might get Mdisho. Mdisho was very brave when he went off to kill a man by

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