Main Street Occupational Therapy Clinic Ethical Issues

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Medical professionals are faced with ethical decisions every day; however, the answers are not always simple or clear and the best decisions are not always made. In the following case study both ethical and unethical topics were presented. The case study reviews Main Street Occupational Therapy Clinic, where a current patient applies for an open position as a front office assistant. The case study states that the staff has concerns about hiring a current patient as well as concerns for the physical limitations the patient expresses during his treatment visits. Although the patient has claimed during his first interview he is able to perform all task without limitations. Due to the staff concerns, the patient is asked to agree to a second interview …show more content…

After analyzing the AOTA Code of Ethics, the case study directly violates the principles and standard of conduct under non-maleficence, which states, " Avoid dual relationships, conflicts of interest, and situations in which a practitioner, educator, student, researcher, or employer is unable to maintain clear professional boundaries or objectivity” (“Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics” 4). By the Occupational Therapist working as both the professional and the employer to the patient and potential employee, there would be dual relationships involved which goes directly against the code of ethics. There is also conflict of interest because the employer knows more about the patient than what is stated on the application, which led to a biased application process. According to USEEO, “An employer also may not ask a job applicant to answer medical questions or take a medical exam before making a job offer” and the commission goes on to further state “The law allows an employer to condition a job offer on the applicant answering certain medical questions or successfully passing a medical exam, but only if all new employees in the same job have to answer the questions or take the exam.” (“Pre-Employment Inquiries”). This statement makes the Occupational Therapy Office’s decision unethical because the medical exam was administered before there was a conditional job offer and the exam was performed …show more content…

As stated in the USEEO, “An employer may ask a job applicant whether they can perform the job and how they would perform the job” (“Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices”). When the clinic set up the first interview with the patient, the interview process was completely ethical because they only asked the patient if he could perform the job. Although the interviewers were aware that the patient had pre-existing limitations, they did not ask further questions and were professional in taking the patients word. Since no disability-related questions were asked at the time of the first interview the interview was within regulation of the USEEO and was completely

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