Mahtab Fog Of Darkness Quotes

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1. The author’s intention in the beginning of Mahtab’s story is to give the reader a descriptive introduction regarding the feelings and cricumstances of Mahtab’s journey. She uses descriptive language to inform the reader of Mahtab’s feelings of uncertainty as the “fog of darkness” (p.2) closes in on the family as they travel by truck through the Afghani mountains in a search for a better life.

2. The quote ‘fog of darkness’ symbolises the uncertainty closing on Mahtab and her family whilst they travel into Pakistan in fear of being discovered by the human “wolves”. The “wolves” are hidden in the forest mountains of Pakistan, waiting to eat them up. The human “wolves” in the book symbolises the Taliban, who are waiting at checkpoints to find …show more content…

Throughout the book, when she is scared, Mahtab uses a strategy taught to her by her Grandfather. She counts backwards from one-hundred and more often than not, when she finishes at zero, the danger is gone. She frequently does this during the book, outlining the fear experienced not only in the truck to Pakistan, but throughout the whole journey. When I am scared, I try not to think about my fear and get on with what I am doing at the present time, this helps me forget my worries and nerves, especially before …show more content…

The author uses many similes and metaphors throughout the book to enrich the description. Examples include:

• “Her throat was a closed and choking trapdoor [compelled and sentenced to silence]” (p.2,). This is a metaphor making out that she must stay silent out of fear of being discovered by the Taliban.
• “[Her mother as well as] Soraya, thumb in mouth. Both were as still as a block of stone” (p.2) This simile describes the feeling and actions of Mahtab and her family in the truck to Pakistan, there is an essence of fear woven into this simile as they (Mahtab’s mother and the children) are “sentenced to silence” in fear of being caught or discovered.
• “They emerged like strange burrowing creatures [,strangers to light]” (p.20) this simile is used to describe the first time Mahtab exits the truck during the journey to Pakistan
• “Mahtab felt her whole body go loose. Every muscle had been tense, tight and now it was as if the wind had suddenly died and she was a kite dropping lifeless to the ground” (p.26) This is a simile describing Mahtab’s feeling of relief and relaxation after passing a taliban checkpoint undiscovered.
• “It’s as if we’re inside an elephant [,] having trouble getting up the mountain” This simile describes the tricky mountain ascent into Pakistan for Mahtab and her

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