Magnum Opus Crime And Punishment Essay

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The search for justice and vengeance is a never-ending hunt in the human psyche, whether this search is noble or malevolent in nature, it is like a rash that continues to reemerge and agitate its host until it’s burning sting is neutralized by the burning and chilling sensation of vengeance and justice. This search for justice (or rather it’s meaning) is evident in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Magnum Opus Crime and Punishment. The novel is centered around a young Russian man named Raskolnikov, who is a disgraced student that now lives in a run-down tenement in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Raskolnikov during the early stages of the book has a personal crisis as he wonders who is truly able to seek out and carry justice, he attempts to color in a very grey area, this grey area is the difference between the noble …show more content…

During the murder Raskolnikov kills the pawnbroker and her sister, this leaves Raskolnikov in a manic-depressive state as he felt he had justification to kill a “louse” such as the pawnbroker, however, he lacked the divine justification to kill her sister, this leads to Raskolnikov entering a deep depression which leaves him unable to use his blood money for charity, thus continuing the guilt from the first

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