Mafia Vs Ms-13 Essay

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In maintaining a blatant disregard for the law, the mob and ms-13 both managed to stir up a substantial amount of problems for the United States. They shared together the notion of coming to be in America because of rampant turmoil in their home countries that called for emigration. During their respective periods of reign, the two groups were responsible for countless acts of violence and illegal activity; albeit for completely different reasons. While the mafia was a participant in illegal conduct for financial motives; ms-13 was a participant for predominantly social reasons including protecting their home turf from rival gangs, bringing down rival gangs, or to acquire more territory. In these varying reasons for perpetrating continuous …show more content…

The italian immigrants that ended up making up the mob left Italy due to a negative way of living under the rule of Benito Mussolini, while the people that began ms-13 emigrated from Salvador as the result of a civil war. Once taking residence in America, the american mafia came to be as a result of the need for a mediating force between Italian immigrants and the government. When the Salvadoran immigrants took refuge in crime-ridden neighborhoods of Los Angeles, some of them banded together to create ms-13 in response to the gangs that were already stirring up trouble in the area. Many of the Salvadorans were war-hardened after their experiences back home and quickly asserted themselves as no gang to take lightly as they gained notoriety for how violent they were. The mob was having its share of success at the beginning of their …show more content…

The mob’s structure is composed of different families occupying power, while a person in one particular family is considered the overall leader. Every large city had its own mafia sanction, with each sanction controlling its own business operations. In general, the mob had a very strong hierarchal structure. Ms-13 differs from the mob in the sense that they have no official national leadership structure. Cliques in different cities would operate independently of each other and communicate with cliques in different cities, but not generally for the purpose of conducting business operations with one another. There aren't nearly as many fights for internal power in ms-13 as in the mafia though, because ms-13 doesn’t have the strong hierarchal structure that would have positions members would be enticed to fight

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