Madea Enter Analysis

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Madea Enters: Madea speaks about her suffering and the suffering of women. She wishes to be dead, to leave her existence behind so she wont feel the pain she is going through. Then gives a speech about women and how they must let the terrible indignities go. And though men are free to indulge their appetite and enjoy the company of friends. Madea says that women remain in the house and live for their husbands alone. She then speaks of her suffrage, Madea then promises to get vengeance. She has asked the Chorus of the Corinthian women to remain silent; the women agree that she should seek revenge. Creon, King of Corinth enter with attendants: Creon tells Madea that she and her children must leave from Corinth. Madea ask, why, and Creon admits that he scared of her. He tells her that he sees her as a powerful sorceress and is afraid for her daughters well being. Madea begs Creon to let her stay for just one more day, so she can prepare for journey long journey and think of where she will go. Creon believing that in one-day Madea cant harm her enemies, allows her to stay. Creon exits. The chorus speaks and tells her of what she might do? Where will she go? Madea assures the women that 24 hours is all that she needs to destroy Jason, his new bride and Creon. Madea will use the skills she has in the art of poison to destroy them, she is determined that no man will ever wrong her and tell about it. Jason enters: Jason tells Madea that her loose tongue has brought her into exile on herself. Jason tells her that he will make sure she doesn't go penniless and he doesn’t hate her even if she despises him. Madea then lashes and reminds him of all things she has done for him, leaving him without an excuse to take another wife. Jason ar... ... middle of paper ... ... The beginning of the scene in Madea’s house. My favorite character was Madea because she was ruthless in the play, and she gets away with in the end. Madea is some what justified by her anger and to seek revenge, but not enough to kill her own children. Leads in the play: Madea Jason Supporting Players: Creon King of Corinth Aegeus King of Athens Nurse of Madea The Chorus of Women in Corinth The Tutor Stock Characters: Jason new wife The messenger I think that Madea would work best in a Thrust stage as the audience needs to see what is going on during the play. An Example of blocking would be when Madea slays her children. An example of business would when the king hugs the body of his lifeless daughter. I liked the play, because I believe this play was very mature and feminism was one of the themes in that play that was some how accepted.

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