Mad Max Fury Road Analysis

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When watching a film we rarely think about the formal elements that are being used to describe the film. The use of formal elements in film is needed to convey messages and themes. In the movie mad max fury road and birdman we notice the formal element sound being used to convey the directors theme. Sound can be used in films in a diegetic manner and a non-diegetic manner. The non-diegetic soundtrack of the film mad max in particular is used to dramatize and create emphasis, while the diegetic sound of birdman is what creates a tone in the film. With the use of the formal element sound these two films obtain meaning. Mad Max fury road uses certain forms of sound to add attention to the scenes. With a long shot scene, the non-diegetic soundtrack tends be loud and very deep. The bottomless and flashy sounds would usually indicate suspense or action. Added to the relatively quite dialogue action noises stun and amuse the audience by, how frequent and loud they are. Birdman uses the same loud and …show more content…

Without a proper soundtrack behind a film the film loses certain meaning. Before sound came to film audiences just had to imagine the sound that film was producing. Humans can relate to sound on an emotional level and therefore is needed to add drama to something. The formal element sound is so important in Mad Max that one of the characters is a guitarist. Sound is so recognized as one of the main themes in the film that the main job of the guitarist in the film is to add action music to the war scenes. The characters are cognizant of the importance of the sound and understand that the guitarist provides a heavy metal tone to provide energy to the characters. This is a rare case where the usually non-diegetic use of war music to add effect is diegetic sound and is available for the characters to

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