Machiavelli's The Prince

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Machiavelli wrote The Prince in which he states “it is better for a new political ruler to be feared than loved”. Machiavelli stated that rulers should be loved and feared but at the end to remain safe it’s better to be feared than love. Being virtuous plays a major role in securing a state and gaining the support of the citizens but virtue or love doesn’t guarantee the safety of the ruler and or state. Therefore this essay will argue It is better for a new political leader to feared than loved, which would allow the leader to have the state secure or under control, also instilling fear in people would make them obey the rules and regulation and would allow The Prince to be safe and protected. Securing a state should be the ultimate goal …show more content…

The first thing prescribed for the new prince or the prince who is in power is built his foundation on fear, this is the best advice offered by Machiavelli to the prince. Judging from the above examples whoever built his foundation on fear has succeeded at the end by protecting himself and safeguarding the city. When laws are implemented it will have control over the people in the society, because if anyone breaks the law they will be severely punished which send a message to other the general population by discouraging them from breaking the law. Strict laws should instill strong fear in people’s hearts which would prevent them from breaking any law (Ch.5, p. 17-19). Second thing that the Prince needs is a strong army, when the Prince has a strong army he is capable of achieving anything whether that is securing a state, fighting his enemies or concurring other nations (Ch.13, p. 43). The prince needs to subscribe to strong military strategies which would help him to achieve his goals and instilling fear in people’s heart and mind. The Prince needs to build his own army which would be a powerful army that will help him

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