Machiavelli The Prince Essay

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Relevancy of Machiavelli’s “The Prince” in Contemporary Politics Niccolo Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, is a masterpiece of modern political theory. The political manifesto effectively communicates its ideas as though they are the seemingly only logical options, which allows the author to present controversial instructions calmly and with modesty. Though the ideas were groundbreaking when first introduced in the 1600s, much has changed in the art of developing and keeping successful political relationships. Although the major powers from “The Prince”, (The 5 Italian city states, France, Switzerland, Turkey, and Spain), have now expanded into a few super powers out of 120 countries, the most drastic change in political relations is …show more content…

Love invites the possibility of chaos, both internal and external. Love, in all its forms, also demands equality of some sort, in this being that each person, a ruler and their citizens, deserve respect just for being a person, with the understanding that both sides depend on each other for survival in their current states. A Machiavellian prince who wishes to maintain power must always be on an elevated plane to everyone around him, in every way possible. Fear is a controllable, measurable, and calculable tool to be used, and demands only obedience from the oppressed. The enforcement and necessity of fear is easily explained away by the oppressor, through “science” or nationalism or one’s own fear of what could happen if the oppressed no longer feared …show more content…

In order to gain the support of a nation, particularly on monumental decisions, one must already have the love, or at least trust, of the people when the decision is made in order to prevent a cumbersome amount of backlash. However, when dealing with an enemy, fear is necessary in order to for victory in any military operation. If one side does not fear the other, it is hardly a war.
(“And that prince who bases his power entirely on...words, finding himself completely without other preparations, comes to ruin,” Machiavelli, p 67 ) This quote is relevant to every politician, but is particularly important during election season. Presidential candidates place the utmost importance on speeches; and speech writers have one of the most important jobs in the candidate's entourage. Having the ability to communicate well is essential for anyone hoping to obtain public office, because in order to have one’s proposals taken seriously, one must present them

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